Bruce Brownlee sent me copies of his picture collection from Camp. Some of them Ihave seen before, but the ones I am sharing tonight just knocked my socks off.
I can't thank you enough Bruce!!!!
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Those pictures were taken in the early 50's. If you look closely,
there are only 8 cabins on each side row in the boy's camp (hence, the
archaic name "8 12" .... the last two cabins were added around 1955.
Also, there are no pine trees around the pools. They were very small,
having just been planted in the early '50's. The black and white
pictures were postcards which were sold in the canteens and sent home
by campers (often read by counselors to identify any campers who were
homesick or making unusual complaints about their camping experience.
Thank you Bruce, great collection.
Thom from California
I think I remember seeing those postcards at camp. Ah, camp, those were the days.
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