Friday, August 10, 2007

If camp were around today

I have received several letters from Fort Scott Family members from the era prior to mine which has really piqued my curiosity. What did camp look like in the 50’s? What was the relationship like between the campers and the counselors? What was the relationship like between the counselors?

But also, I wonder what camp would look like today.

In today’s world of hyper clean super sanitary, could there be an 8-1/2 or a bug house?

Would we have to insist that people leave their Ipods, laptops and cell phones home, or would all the cabins have to be WiFi hot spots?

Would we be able to have an Indian Pageant?

Would we be able to keep score at the Middle Saturday Swim meet?

War Night was already on the way out, but would we be able to play War ball without getting an insurance waiver?

One of the last years we had at camp, we elected the Mayor of New Baltimore and had a parade and speeches. Would the Fairness Doctrine be invoked?

What about Christmas in July?

What about flag raising?

One match fires?

Sugar highs from Canteen?

Truly scary ghost stories?

Mud Hikes?

I say it was a better time then, and we would do well to go back to that way of thinking.

Happy Weekend


Anonymous said...

My Mom attended FSC in the late 50's/early 60's. She's always trying to remember the words to a song they sang called "Little Darkie Sunday School!" Talk about how times have changed! ...... I've been researching camps to send my kids to - they all have AIR CONDITIONING in the cabins now!

Linda said...

Hi, this is a great blog - I just found it.(Feb 2019) I attended Fort Scott for two weeks summer of '54. I had just turned 6 years old. I was one year under the age limit to attend camp, but they made an exception because I went with my brother who was 9. I was terrified of spiders and would wake up a camper during the night who would go with me to the latrine and pick the daddy long legs off the toilet seat so I could use the toilet.