Saturday, August 25, 2007

Where is this all going?

I have been having an ongoing conversations with Thom in California regarding all things Fort Scoot, and he said something that caught my attention.

".... I hope more old and aging Fort Scotters will discover your excellent blog." When he said that I realized something that I might not have made clear.

This Blog is for everyone that ever walked through the gates of camp, and up that long hill.

In my mind, this is an online museum and I am only the currator. I have been supplying my own memories and thoughts about camp up to this point, but sooner or later, that well is is going to run dry. My fear is that this blog might be perceived as something that is only for my era.

As I told Thom, with each passing year, more and more of the history of our beloved camp is lost. I want to preserve as much as I can for everyone, as soon as I can.

So once again, please pass the word about this site. I really feel like we have barely scratched the surface.

Have a great weekend


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